In the 21st century, in the age of self-publishing and the immediacy of information spread, being an artist is –or so it seems to me– more a matter of attitude, self-esteem and passion for public projection or self-promotion (or should I say personal marketing?), rather than a natural or trained disposition to excel in producing artifacts that may be regarded as appealing to both maker and public (in that order). It also seems to be a distinction, for the most part, bestowed upon oneself, rather…Continue Reading “Artist… fractal artist”
As I go about updating this website, I’ve also been reviewing my opinions about fractals and art since I started to consciously regard this hobby as an artistic expression. I have been reconsidering what I said in my old writings, and revisiting the judgment of other people involved in this field. All in all, it seems no new creative ideas have emerged, though: in all appearances, the fractal world, like myself, came to a standstill in 2007. New programs emerged, for sure; known ones were updated, as…Continue Reading “Fractal art theorizing”
It is so easy to stumble upon spirals while exploring the world of fractals, and it’s so easy to find them so appealing that every explorer is sure to end with a dozen of these wonderful creatures after each jump into the pools of never-ending images. This one was found using Tiera-Zon.
Choosing a name is not an easy task, even if what you’re naming is a modest website. From my point of view, it has to represent the site’s content and purpose –somehow–, which in this case is to showcase the fractal pictures and other related content I author occasionally. By definition, a name is an identification, or identifier, a means to distinguish the given from the rest of the world it relates to. And for that reason, the more unique, the better, first, because it won’t confuse visitors,…Continue Reading “Name divisions, dimensions and symmetries”